‘Most people say that it is the intellect which makes a great scientist. They are wrong: it is character.’
Albert Einstein
Maren obtained her undergraduate eduction in chemistry at the Friedrich-Schiller University Jena, Germany. Already as an undergrad she was interested in theoretical chemistry and joined the group of Prof. Markus Reiher at ETH Zürich to conduct her Master project. After graduating with a MSc in chemistry (Diplomchemikerin) from Jena in 2007, she continued to stay in Markus Reiher’s group for her doctoral studies investigating structure determining interactions in cluster chemistry. She graduated from ETH Zürich in late 2010 and left Zürich in 2011 to join the computational chemistry lab of Prof. Ken N. Houk at the University of California, Los Angeles, USA with a DAAD fellowship to support her postdoctoral stay.
In 2012, Maren returned to Europe discouraged by the job prospects in Academia, she accepted a job as a quantitative risk analyst at a Swiss insurance company. While learning about statistical modelling and data processing, she soon realized it is research and science she is most passionate about. In 2014, she joined the University of Innsbruck as a postdoctoral scholar, eventually supported by a Lise-Meitner grant of the Austrian Science Fond (FWF). She shifted her research focus towards catalysis and modelling of physico-chemical properties of complex systems towards predictive chemistry. Maren received a FWF stand alone grant in 2020. She started her independent group in Innsbruck 2021 before she accepted an Assistant Professor position and moved to TU Wien.